UCITS Listed Equity

Aristea New Frontiers Equity Fund

A frontier markets, long-only equities strategy building on our 15 years of history in frontier markets.

The Aristea SICAV New Frontiers Equity Fund was launched in June 2016, providing investors with the opportunity to engage with dynamic and rapidly growing economies. Operating under the investor-friendly terms of a UCITS fund with daily liquidity, it offers a chance to access markets that exhibit a low correlation with more developed counterparts.


Investing in this new asset class presents notable diversification benefits due to its lower integration level with more developed markets. Additionally, local factors tend to exert a more substantial influence than the global economy, contributing to the fund’s unique appeal.


As a Luxembourg UCITS V umbrella fund regulated by CSSF, it is authorised for distribution in major European markets and listed on the Allfunds platform. The fund features daily pricing and dealing, enhancing accessibility for investors.

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